Irth Training Release Notes: 5/07/2024 (Introduction of the Credential)
10 months ago
by Sean Bragg
Sean BraggAdmin
Tonight is the anticipated push for the new Credential-BETA training item in the Irth Training Web App. Following the production update, the following credential features will be available for use:
The Admin Experience:
Create new Credential
Credential Overview
Add student to credential (please note at this time you cannot remove students once they have been added)
View list of student by status in the credential item (at this time, you cannot edit or manually change their status)
Credential Design
Add media (formerly resources) to your credential. (All items will be required to be viewed in the order in which they are configured)
Credential Settings
Modify Name and Description
Manage the Browse Library cards
Set status to Live (formerly known as 'approved')
The Student Experience:
Once created, student will be able to find your credentials in the Browse Library, Add to their Training, and Complete the Credential experience. Credential cards will integrate within existing Courses, Certifications, and Seminars if applicable.
The Browse Library information page:
The Learner Home Page:
The Credential Player:
There is still a lot of development to take place regarding management, reporting, and features of the Credential item, so please become familiar with your intended use before launching new Credentials in your Browse library. Since March, the Irth Training anywhere experience has been integrated inside Irths UtiliSphere, Digtix, and Land Management products where credentials have been used to deliver product user training content. The integration concept can be viewed via this short demonstration video:
Topics of Interest: Enable users to select profile attributes / topics of interest. This feature will utilize customer-created tags using Tag Categories.
Browse Filters: If points of interest are selected by learners in their profile settings, browse filters will automatically set when visiting the browse library in order to pre-filter for relevant content.
Overhaul of the Training Results dashboard report to include Credential items
Student profile and credential progress management.
Tonight is the anticipated push for the new Credential-BETA training item in the Irth Training Web App. Following the production update, the following credential features will be available for use:
The Admin Experience:
The Student Experience:
Once created, student will be able to find your credentials in the Browse Library, Add to their Training, and Complete the Credential experience. Credential cards will integrate within existing Courses, Certifications, and Seminars if applicable.
The Browse Library information page:
The Learner Home Page:
The Credential Player:
There is still a lot of development to take place regarding management, reporting, and features of the Credential item, so please become familiar with your intended use before launching new Credentials in your Browse library. Since March, the Irth Training anywhere experience has been integrated inside Irths UtiliSphere, Digtix, and Land Management products where credentials have been used to deliver product user training content. The integration concept can be viewed via this short demonstration video:
Next Up for Development:
Questions? Email: [email protected]
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