Irth Land: Release Notes (version 24.07)

Posted 7 months ago by Swapna Thumati

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Swapna Thumati Admin

Below are few highlights of the Irth Land Product release 24.07 in PROD on 07/10/2024. Please review the attached release notes for more details.

New Feature: Submit an idea  

we have provided the ability for end users to provide feature requests, discuss enhancements to existing features, and collaborate with fellow users to influence positive change.

New Feature - Workflow: Create Agreement Shapes (ALT only)

we have introduced a new form called 'Create Agreement Shapes.' When users import tabular data for parcels and agreements and import shape files for parcels, and submit this workflow on the project, this workflow will generate agreement shapes based on parcel association and existing parcel shapes.

Enhancement: Improved GISViewer Login and Load Project Behavior

If the login to the application takes longer than a certain # of seconds due to the amount of data being loaded by default, the application logs the users, and users can then select the project and assets to load.  Note: # of seconds is configurable by Irth Land admin. Please reach out to support team members to adjust this if concerns with login performance.

Enhancement: Improved Asset List Tab  

 Asset list will load ‘Tract’ assets by default, when users click on ‘Asset List’ tab. Users now can select what asset list to load by default for all users of the application. Note: This is not a per user setting but applies to all users of the application.

Enhancement: Improved Importing Functionality – User Experience changes

Fields on the import page have been rearranged from left to right to reflect the sequence of operations for import. The ‘worksheet’ field has moved to the left. When user selects the worksheet and project, the import type and mappings will automatically be selected for the user, though users can change these values if needed.

Bug Fix: Performance Optimization (ALT only)

We have enhanced the system to support importing 10,000 or more records without timeouts. This improvement applies to all import templates in ALT vertical for all clients using the product imports without any customizations.

 Agreement Manager Module has been optimized to ensure navigation and actions within the module are completed within 5 seconds, significantly enhancing the user experience.

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