Added a new capability to export an entire Dig Package from Dig Management as a single combined zip file rather than many individual reports & exports. A new option of ‘Export Dig Package per Dig’ has been added to the dropdown in Reports.
Extended authentication / SSO support in CIM to support integration with more than 1 identity provider.
Users now have the ability to perform bulk edits on Master Joint data.
Added a new tab of Master Joint to the Segment detail screen in System Management.
Included additional Integrity Compliance conditions related to API 1160 criteria.
Updated the Growth Analysis report to base its analysis on Integrity Compliance on an individual analysis level rather than pre-analysis data for enhanced analytics.
Added support in User Management for Admin roles to specify which users are subscribed to which system alerts & notifications in User Management.
Added new fields for Assigned Alerts to User Management.
Updated the Baseline Assessment Plan report to offer improved filtering options based on the Assessment Method.
Improved PHMSA F & G and Yearly reports, including addition of new columns.
Changes to Integrity Compliance Analysis, shifting from soft-deletes with nightly cleanup to immediate hard-deletion of data.
Improvements to Threat Monitoring “Bulk Edit” functionality where the user can define a ‘Repair Date’ to records in bulk.
Improved consistency of System and Segment drop-downs in Create Dig Plan screen. Only the systems related to an approved analysis will be available in both drop downs.
Improved UI/feedback in Integrity Compliance to highlight required fields more effectively. Now, a prominent asterisk has been added to clearly indicate mandatory fields.
Improved the Interacting Threats and Growth tabs in Integrity Compliance. They should now apply only to the current pipeline Segment rather than the entire System.
Added the ability to trigger email notifications to users on successful file ingestion. OBS will support in setting up the required notifications.
Added the ability to trigger in-app notifications on successful file ingestion. OBS will support in setting up the required notifications.
Added the ability to see which Vendor Reports have analyses associated with them under the Assessment Planning module.
Added new tooltips to the Unity Plot reports including vendor feature ID and tool tolerance.
Bug Fixes
Resolved issues preventing the user from clearing a filter in the ‘Add Anomalies’ screen in the Integrity Compliance module.
Improved the ability of filtering by Run ID in the Assessment Planning screens.
Resolved issues related to the Condition Management UI / checkbox fields
Resolved issues related to the filtering on “Due Date” in the Add Anomalies screen
The users are now being attributed properly on audit for Repair Template changes
Resolved issues related to uploading a repair template with an invalid Tracking Master ID by updating the validations.
System of measure and unit conversion is applied properly in ‘Assign Action’ in the Integrity Compliance module.
When a user is assigned a vendor ID in User Management, they can successfully remove it without issues.
Resolved issues for approved analyses. Users can receive transmittal dates correctly.
Fixed an issue causing the Integrity Compliance Growth bias adjustment to only be applied in certain scenarios.
Fixed an issue related to PHMSA reporting mileage calculations.
Fixed an issue related to saving a condition in Condition Management with a duplicate name.
Fixed an issue where the Dig Sheet was not working as expected in scenarios involving flow reversals.
Updated Close Out report to pull “Additional Historical” anomalies from the System Generated Analysis, filtered to correct Run IDs.
Bug Fixes
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